Monday, March 14, 2011


in the rythm of life, 
we sometimes find ourselves out of tune,
but as long as there are friends to provide melody,
the music plays on.

friendship is not just a word. FRIENDSHIP. 
a word that full of everything and the most crucial in our life. 
without friends, we may not have someone to share our moments
these moments are very meaningful as it taught us to be a better person

haha. speaking kejap. sorry if lar grammar tunggang langgang. 
im in the process of improving my skills. :) 

firstly, i wanna to thank to my friends.
Faten Nabilla and Nur Haedzerlin.
u're really great persons! 

bile tringat diorang, aku mst tgok balik gambar dulu. 
betul cakap orang, gambar dapat bagitau ape yang berlaku.

tersangat rindu time sekolah dulu. full of memories.
hari sabtu lepas. aku baru je sampai umah. huu. cuti kan.
tak sempat pun nk rehat lama-lama kat umah.
trus lepak ngan diorang. agak sedih sebab esok tuh eelin dah nak balik kolej dah.
agak sedih. tapi happy sbb ada masa ngan diorang.

time kteorang keluar. memang pecah perut la gelak2 sakan macam tuh.
memang lama gile aku tak gelak macam tuh.
rindu nak ulang semula masa tuh.

 seriously. korang memang da cantik sangat! 

masa memang tak cukup bagi aku. rasa nak citer semua kt korang. 
huu. yela. dah lama kte tak cakap banyak2. tak gosip banyak2.

 three of us. tapi tak cukup pakej la. 2 orang takde. 
yaya, nia. sumpah. rindu diorang gile-gile.

hopefully our friendship will not last. 
forever and ever.


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